Monday, April 29, 2013

My first time witnessing gang rivals go at it; was In Madison Terrace, between the O.G's and Playboy's. I was literally caught in the middle of it. Watching everything unfold; I must admit it was exciting. Seeing some of the cats I knew from the neighborhood put in work; this is the business! The  O.G's was started by Sir Pope, a youngster from L.A.... They were crips (crabs), and the Playboy's originated from Las Vegas, Nevada; which was started by the infamous Slick Rick and Big Ted. Two well respected cats that were born, and raised in the Jets. This was the late 70's & early 80's.... Most all gangs in Vegas, were crips; there was only one blood gang in North Las Vegas, the Hoodsmen.... And the Playboy's were neutral.
You talk about the biggest crip set, it was the GQ's which stood for gentlemens quarter's; you also had West side GQ's and Cindy Sue GQ's.... The GQ's would become my rivals. I had more fights, and shootouts with them then any other neighborhood. Even that being the case; I literally despised the Gerson Park Kingsmen's (GPK) this may sound ridiculous. Nobody liked the Gerson's; they had the shadest reputation of all the sets I knew. I admit I loved giving them the blues.... We had our share of battles; there's a lot bad blood between us; I got a little ahead of myself, back then we were the bang bang gang; we rode bikes, and was more associated with the West Side GQ's; Villian ran that chapter of the Q's.... We all grew up around each other. It was what it was until Mickey (Le'P) came from San Diego in 81' Piru's were formed in Madison terrace. And as they say; the rest is history.

1 comment:

  1. Reading this short but REAL story took me back to a place that I don't visit very often.. I personally know your story and I my opinion; my friend, your doing something GREAT! Taking the story of many lives and telling it to those who really don't know the Truth. I look forward to reading your book=
    My Bandana, Prison and GOD. Keep doing what your doing my friend and stay BLESSED.
